Hi Everyone!
Well it’s finally September and fall is here. Don’t know about summer, I think it was eight weeks long. Not much more than that. Ah well, fall is here and that should be good for one and all.
And now it’s October. I believe I saw snow on Job’s Peak this morning. It rained like crazy last night. So I guess it’s safe to say summer is over and fall is here for sure.
Not that I’ve done anything wonderful lately. I can’t seem to get the energy together to finish anything and I’ve started a bunch. Hey, wasn’t the Shop Hop great? Speaking of starting stuff, I think I got a few more to start. I guess I really am sick huh? Can’t get enough to do!
Ok enough of that. . . Our meeting on September 21, 2010 started off with wonderful food as usual. Thank you all who participated. Oooh the dessert. Mmmm.
In attendance were Randi, Linda, Tricia, Margie, Helen, Dawn, Peggy and Carol. Ellie showed up for a couple of minutes but had to leave.
Next meeting food people are:
Randy – entree
Tricia – salad
Carol – dessert
There is a quilt show coming in May of 2011. We are asked to save a few of our quilts for that.
Dues . We pay $2.00 per meeting, per person. If we do not meet because we have, as a group, decided not to meet, we do not need to pay. However, if for any other reason you are not in attendance, you should pay. Paying at the first of the year $24.00, is probably the easiest and the best way but it’s up to
Margie – Her convergence quilt. Beautiful.
Tricia – Linus quilt – Glows in the dark. Squirly Q’s quilt. Flying geese – done while waiting surgery on her cancer also turned out very beautiful. It just needs a label.
Linda – showed her Noah’s Ark so adorable.
Randy – quilt for her daughter in-laws mother – Sunrise –Sunset. Her Linus
Peggy – showed her finished Linus quilt in red…beautiful. She also did a “card holder”

Please send recipes to Tricia she would prefer them EMAILED. I believe her e-mail is tricia@silverpen.com.
Our next meeting will be October 19th, then November 17th. nothing in December and then in 2011
See you next meeting. Keep b z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z sewing it’s almost Christmas!!!
Love you all.
Carol G.
P.S. Thank you all for you wonderful cards, notes and visits. You have no idea the joy you bring to my life. You are all angels to me. Ok yellow with black stripes and you have a buzz to you, but I love you all.