Welcome to Spring Bees!
Our meeting on Monday the 21st was great. We did have a new “bee” her name is Tricia S. and she is Peggy P’s sister. Twin I believe.
Tricia brought a show ‘n’ tell called Monarch Maize it was beautiful.
We first passed out our 6”x6”squares x 3 for each person. We are at seven right now and so please keep looking for new bees to join us.
I was given an envelope at work of all our money we had given in the beginning when we first started up. Remember we used to give a dollar. Well some of it got used for coffeE and then I guess we quit drinking the stuff and so the money stayed in the envelope. We were wondering what to do with it and decided it would be nice to make a quilt and give it away to a good charity. Dawn had suggested the Susan G. Komen Foundation for a cure for cancer, but it was brought up by Peggy that they also support Pro Choice and as a Catholic cannot support that group. So with that in mind we are looking for a place to donate a quilt to. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Maybe you just know of a family in need or. . . . . .
Helen brought up Jean Cavanaugh is having a quilt retreat at St.Mary’s Art Museum in Virginia City and if anyone would like to go contact either Helen or Jean.
Also don’t forget the Shop Hop of many area quilt shops - September 25 - 28th.
Randy showed us a cute potato bag she made in a class. She also used it as a prize for tonight’s drawing. There is warning on these that if you have a newer microwave or one that cannot be used on a lower setting that these can catch fire. So if you have one please be careful.
Peggy brought in a tote bag she made to take a multitude of things to class in. She also brought the pattern to share and Randy absconded with it, but promised to bring it back to share again. The bag looks so handy.
Randy also shared her new toy, her ipod, it was a mini quilt show of all her quilts. Her husband downloaded all of this for her. What a wealth of quilts. They were just beautiful.
Linda has been crocheting a beautiful afghan as I mentioned in last meeting notes. But this time she explained what it was. Apparently, when she was pregnant with her daughter Molly, she was going to make this afghan for her midwife. As time passes so quickly, the baby came and grew and it was never finished. Molly not so long ago found it in her mom’s closet and asked what it was. Linda explained it and Molly said it should be finished, she loved the colors. Of course the pattern was now gone and the midwife, too,so Linda went looking for more yarn to match and blend and now Molly is graduating from college and guess what she is getting for her graduation. What a neat story and gift. It is a wool blend in shades of mauve.
Linda will be going to Michigan for Molly’s graduation and had asked for local places that have quilting. She found what needs and can’t wait to go.
Linda also brought in her grandsons’ quilts. As they have Totem names their quilts reflect that and how neat they are. One is bear cub - of course there are bears and bear paw squares. And there is an Owl - very wonderful fabrics she choose. I’m sure the grandsons will love these quilts.
Dawn brought in a wall hanging or table topper size quilt of scraps she had left over from a kit she did. The colors were wonderful and of course her quilting is too.
Peggy and her sister Tricia will be going to Sisters, Oregon for the quilt show, it was suggested we all go as a group next year. Maybe…… They will check on accommodations etc. and we can discuss it as a great project.
Peggy also started our quilt project (the one with 492 approx squares). She said she wanted to start it to see how difficult it is. She said you definitely need to read your directions VERY carefully for accuracy. One tip she had was to be sure you cut on straight of grain.
Helen quilted the purse she brought in tonight and so showed and told about it. Very neat.
Also Helen and Linda won the drawing prizes tonight and so will provide the prizes for next meeting.
It was also discussed that we meet as usual for July and August. Helen said if I was gone and we needed a place to meet, her house was open as she lives in Carson City and would be a centrally located place.
Nothing was settled. Discuss at next meeting on May 19th, 2008.
See you then, keep B-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,
Carol G
1 comment:
Fabulous quilts are pictured in this blog, obviously a lot of talent among you all!
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