Hi Bees!
Sorry I’m late getting this on line. Life keeps getting in my way. You know all the quilts I need/want/have to get done.
I’ve been working on one for a class I’ll do called Butterfly Kisses. I fell in love with the name (because of the song, by Bobby Carlisle I believe) and the colors. Anyway it has a bazillion leaves on it and of course being who I am, I had to needle turn appliqué them. Well I finished the leaves – finally. YEAH! Now to this letter…
Seven of us showed up, Dawn, Linda, Rita, Peggy, Tricia and Margie, oh yeah me (Carol). Helen stopped by long enough to drop off her squares and left.

Linda forgot the starch she was going to share. Maybe she could just e-mail us the recipe, and then if she forgets the “sample” we could do our own. Said she needs to be reminded before the meeting. So everyone, make a note and we can all call her the week/night before our next meeting.

I went to the CVQG 3rd Saturday class for Pearls Way of Appliqué according to Cecile. It was fabulous. I was lucky enough to have had a chance to see a Video

Dawn has the nicest boyfriend. He went to a garage sale for her as this man was getting rid of fabric and of course Dawn too likes/loves fabric. Well he got more than he or she ever imagined. The man was selling his mothers fabrics and embroidery thread. He said all the thread for I believe $20. And then there was a box of fabric he’d give it to him for $10.00. Well when Dawn opened the box of fabric it was full of 45 that’s FORTY-FIVE roughly 12 x 18” squares of Iris flowers she had cross stitched.

Rita had a good one for us. She said she was attempting to satin stitch a project and couldn’t find the button for sating stitch. She ended up reading the instructions and finally found out how to do it on her machine. Good job Rita. And so we learn.
Our drawing tonight – Linda won. Carol forgot and didn’t bring a prize will do so next time and we can have two drawings.
We all brought in squares for the Moms on the Run quilt. They sure are beautiful. We did well on the colors.
Donna G also donated to our fabric finish cause for this and now we have $43. plus change.
Randy will piece it together, put top, batting and backing on and Dawn will quilt it. Can’t wait till all the squares are done. We are missing a couple but I’m sure will have all of them in soon.
I goofed on my square – as usual my 12 ½” came out 12”, so we all discussed it and I put a gold border on it. Its ok but I really liked it the way it was. Oh well.
Dawn forgot to bring in her 3 x 7 x 6” squares so promised to double up next meeting.
Peggy forgot to bring in the fabulous pattern for that Rotary Cutter and Mat Tote she and her sister had made that Randy I thought had absconded with, when actually she had returned it. Anyway, Peggy said she’d bring it to me. (And she did its great.)
Meeting adjourned about 6:50PM. See you all on Sept 15th, 3rd Monday of the month.
Keep bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,
Carol G.

Peggy with her Retirement Quilt Carol displays a quilt she is teaching in a class.

Sierra to Sage Shop Hop, September 26-28. "Explore the greater Reno/Tahoe area by criss-crossing the California-Nevada border while visting twelve of the region's quilt shops."
Homestead Fabrics - Portola, CA
Donna's Stitchery - Truckee, CA
We R Sew-N-Sew - Sparks, NV
Windy Moon Quilts - Reno, NV
Sew-N-Such, Reno, NV
Sierra Sewing Center - Reno, NV
The UnCommon Thread-Fallon, NV
Workman Farms, Crafts and Nursery - Fallon. NV
Fabrics Unlimited - Stateline, NV
Quilting Tahoe - So.Lake Tahoe. CA
Quilter's Quarters - Wellington, NV
The Quilt House - Gardnerville, NV
There is a drawing featuring three great prizes for the quilters that visit all twelve shops. Let's hit the road.
Sure enjoyed the newsletter. We are all so talented. Enjoyed seeing all the blocks for the Mom's on the Run quilt we are working on. Is it too late to correct the name of from Dell Meyer to Emma Dell Meyer. Thanks Dawn
Glad you're enjoying the blog, Dawn. Corrections made.
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