Hello Friends and Family,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the excitement of Halloween approaching. It's hard to believe I've been here for 3 weeks. Here's a few observations and news of this past week:
Our school is right next to a Russian Navy Academy so we start our day in the classroom doing yoga while outside we hear the cadets chanting and marching in formation. Today they actually were accompanied by a marching band. Nothing like yoga set to military marches . Lots of contradictions here!

I told them the apple story about the little red house with no windows and no doors and a star inside and had them create a

We had a fun Friday where the children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade are divided into colors and rotate between the classrooms all day for fall crafts. I did pumpkin paper weavings. I got a little tired of hearing myself say "over, under, over, under, push it to the side!" They hadn't done weaving before so it was fun to see their attempts. The older kids naturally offer to help the little ones and even thanked me for the activity. Their sweet politeness is a blessing.
I was invited to the American Consulate for wine and cheese on Friday evening with ten other American women living here. The Consulate was in a Duke's home and was quite lovely. I was given a tour and even got to see where Tricky Dick rested his head. (Richard Nixon!)
A Russian film crew has been filming a movie on our apartment roof so we've been watching the filming off and on. It's suppose to be a comedy. One of my fellow teachers has a skylight over her shower which opens to the roof and she caught a peeping Ivar looking in at her one evening so had to come over to my apartment to take a shower. Maybe she'll be in the film!
The Russian Museum was my Saturday cultural nudge and I really enjoyed seeing the works of Russian artists through the ages. I topped if off with hot chocolate at a cafe with a teaching friend. The hot chocolate here is more like hot, thick, pudding and you eat it with a spoon. Yum! I celebrated a friend's birthday at a restaurant later that night. On Sunday I attended a symphony of Russian Fairy Tale music which was lovely. The acoustics in the concert hall resonated the sound so well.
I have been venturing out exploring streets further away from my apartment bit by bit and enjoyed a lovely two hour labyrinth of a walk on Sunday afternoon getting myself lost and then realizing I really could find my way back.
Much love and missing all of you!
Photos of Kathy's school in Juneau, AK - Linda
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