Welcome back to the job of taking our minutes, Carol. We missed your writing while you were focusing on your health and it is wonderful to have your "voice" back on the blog! Thanks also, to all of you for being so patient as I struggled with these entries. Carol had the minutes for the June meeting to me within the week and I have taken a month to post them. Happy summertime to all!
Hi! Boy, am I long winded, you'll see.
June Meeting - 6/15/09 - 6:07PM
In attendance were bees; Rita, Trisha, Peggy, Margie, Helen, Dawn, Linda & Carol.
Well happy summer one and all! Did it start yet? Did I miss it? June is summer right?
The weather has been beautiful and wet - love the rain, even the thunder showers. Not good for fire season - but then we take the good with the bad and deal with it right? It's called life and I love it.
Well our meeting sort of started with food - all good times begin with food. Dawn brought the main course - garden salad from her garden - oh my goodness what a salad and then she brought shrimp on the side if you chose to add that. (She's not growing those} I, Carol, brought the dessert Lemon Bars. I recently have been going to garage sales with my daughter and we came across this one that had a cute framed picture. It was in blues and yellows and white. So for $2.00 I bought it to go in my dining room- well it had this recipe on it and it looked tasty and I had to ingredients so...best recipe for Lemon Bars ever. It's just so refreshing and lemony without being so sweet. I guess it's all the lemon zest. Anyway, recipe will be at the end.
To bring you all up-to-date on my granddaughters, they are doing well with my daughter Trish and she now has custody. The moved into a house right near me and they have lots of room to run and play and even climb trees. They are happy and adjusting very well. I want to thank all of you that ask, I appreciate the concern and prayers, we all do.
Randi is out of town, clear on the other side of the
We discussed the upcoming Shop Hop and Margie came up with a great suggestion. How about using her mobile home to travel in? It sleeps 6, but maybe we could also use a motel. Food for thought. Further discussion as time draws near. There will be 14 shops this year and they added one more day. More shopping!!!
Linda brought out the pattern, for all to see who were not at the meeting before, for the Angel paper piecing pattern. We will have a class for in September. This is the one we are to donate to the Cancer Advocates in
Speaking of them, Helen L., Ellie Barber and I brought the "
We did manage a couple pictures and I will attempt to get them developed and into Linda's hands so she can put them on our web site. Yes I have an old camera it takes film.
Linda was explaining why she hasn't done much sewing of late. She had the kids to work with and set up for two Carson River Festivals, her house is going through remodeling and has taken a little longer than she anticipated. Also her hubby had to have a stent put in an artery. He is doing fine per the doctor, but he is having some depression so can we please pray for him and for Linda?
Show 'N' Tell was fun. Helen went first and she modeled hers - very nice, well done blouse she was sporting. She has three more cut out and ready to sew.
Helen also showed us Lois' newest idea. What a beautiful vest. Wow! This lady sure has talent in design.
Dawn and her favorite guys; boyfriend, son and brother went on an Alaskan Cruise with her parents for their 60th anniversary. Everyone in the group made a T-shirt with the parents wedding day picture on it but their own version of decoration. She said the parents were surprised at the Captains dinner when everyone had come in with a jacket covering the tees and they all got up complaining of how hot they were and when the jackets came off they showed off their tees. Cute idea!
While in
Helen said that to make the t-shirts Mill End fabrics has a fabric that I guess is printer friendly and only $2.00 per yard. The idea would be to put your picture on this fabric and sew that "square" or whatever onto the shirt.
Peggy's show and tell was a beautiful quilt of circles that are cut and then sewn back together. You know quilters cut up beautiful fabric then sew together in another pattern. Like the English claim we are goofy about tea. We boil water, make the tea, then put ice in it to cool it off, add sugar to make it sweet then add lemon to put a tang in it. Cute eh?
Peggy also made a really cute wallet to match a purse she showed us last year. Cute idea.
Those that went to Mothers on the Run - Dawn and Linda said it really was quite the Run. Dawn said it was claustrophobic and Linda said when she turned to look in back of her she could not believe the sea of people behind her. It was incredible to see so many people. Every adult woman got a rose. Linda called it a "Bon Bon Walk and Talk".
Margie went on vacation to of us, that was really neat. I got
Then Trish finished her picture she did at Rita's class on fabric painting. It was beautiful. Rita was very pleased and took a picture to show her class. Trisha said she has moved and it was going into her new bathroom.
Rita's Show'n'Tell was a picture her sister had done and Rita was quilting it. My, it is beautiful and the Marble background was stunning.
Rita also filled us in on the rattlesnake season. Her Yorkie got bit and it cost $800.00 per vile of the anti-venom and he needed two. There is a class to prevent dogs from getting bit, by teaching them to give the snake room to leave. There will b e classes July 11, 12 & 25. Dr. Rhinehemier of Sierra Vet in
Matt who works at Pet Smart in
My show n' tell this month was a baby's summer quilt from the embroidery patterns that Helen shared. It has two bunnies biking. Kinda cute. It's to be a baby gift for a friend having a little girl. Also I finished my dandelion wishes quilt; I will call it Dandelion Wine for my mom who as a young woman used to make dandelion wine with her family.
Our next meeting will be on July 20th at Helen's. Peggy and Trisha will be bringing the food. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50PM
Lemon Bars
1 C butter, room temp - soft
1/2 C confectioners Sugar
2C flour
4 eggs, beaten
2C granulated sugar
4Tblspns flour
juice AND grated rind of TWO lemons
Blend butter, confectioners sugar and flour. Press into the bottom and sides of a 9 x 13" pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-18 minutes or till golden. Not too gold.
While baking, mix eggs, sugar, flour, lemon juice and rind. Pour on warm crust when it comes out of the oven. Bake 20-25 minutes. Let cool, and sift confectioners sugar lightly over the top. Cut into squares. Makes 30 small squares. I make two or more and cut them big for family.
1 comment:
Man, I miss one little ol' meeting and i miss all this??!!! Lemon Bars especially!!! Oh well, I'm so glad you ladies had such a grand time and you did just fine in my absence. xoxo Randi
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