Hi Bees! Such busy little creatures we are. In attendance were Margie, Rita, Helen, Randi, Peggy and Carol.
Dawn was not here, Ellie was in Oregon with hubby at a reunion, Tricia, Trish T. and Lacey were not here and Linda is camping with family and Kathy is in Alaska (she lives there). We missed those of you not in attendance and hope you can be with us next time.
We'd like to thank Rita for her fabulous, and we do mean fabulous, salads; a pasta salad to die for and a Caesar Salad, also to be thrown in the den of lions for. What a meal! Thanks to Peggy for the awesome carrot cake cupcakes, great topping to a great meal. What started as snacks has turned into a feast before our meetings. Randi or Helen, not sure who, mentioned we need to collect these recipes for a cookbook from the "Bees" so if you bring a meal or treat please include the recipe so it can go into this idea eventually. Maybe Linda has a program set up to store these??? Also Kathy lives far away but if she has some recipes we could try, we would love for her to send them and we can take turns making them or something. Carol to bring dinner for September and Margie to do October.
Margie brought up the motor home idea for travel to the Shop Hop in September but it seems her hubby said it doesn't appear it is in shape for such a trip:( We shall prevail no matter. After all shopping is shopping and it will get done, hard as that is to do - someone has to do it :).
Applications were brought in for us to complete so we can enter our quilts and any other fiber art you may have. It seems this Autumn Festival Quilt/Fiber Arts Show was originally started by the Silver Springs Entertainment and Arts as a means to raise money for the historic, Stockton Wells site in Silver Springs. This year the quilt show is in memorial to one of their members, Shirley Martel, who passed away earlier this year. Just recently they added another tragedy when Margaret Ruckman passed away in an accident. This is truly a hardship on this group and they need all the help we can muster. So ladies, lets take this challenge and support them with as many items as we can afford to send in to make this year's quilt show spectacular. After all, quilters do that kind of stuff and we can help women do that too. We must have our stuff in by the next meeting on September 21st. Make copies of this application - one for each item. Thank you in advance for participating.
Our homework - draw an item without putting the pencil down or looking at the paper
Randi bro
Our share time was neat. Peggy had to leave early so she went first. She made a quilt top that is just beautiful and even she likes the colors this time. But as it is made with a tube of fabric and then you cut, she said she has so much waste she used the left overs for a table runner - WOW! and she quilted it as a test run to see how she would do the big one. She did a fabulous job. Way to go girl!
Tricia, her sister, did not come tonight as their mom is in the h
Randi showed us the birthday gift she made for Dawn. Too bad Dawn wasn't here but we'd happily take it for her:)
Margie had a Show "N' Tell but it was slightly different - she was at Michael's and found this really cute box -it has "Paris Made" on it and it is black and white. She
Rita brought up that she had finished two projects but that she didn't feel they were good enough to show us. Are you kidding? We all enjoy what we do but all that we do is not perfect, so Randi said everyone must bring in what she does. We all have made mistakes but as Helen put it "Mistakes are windows of opportunity for creativity." Nicely put, Helen. Unfortunately Rita already gifted her projects so I guess we won't see those:( Next time Rita.
As we talked about family, Rita asked us to please keep her sister Daniela in our prayers as her "plate" is very full right now. Rita will also e-mail her recipes to Linda for this issue of our "minutes".
Speaking of recipes...Helen took that fabulous salad that Peggy and Trish brought to the meeting last month and guess what - the quilt guild credited Helen for the recipe in their news letter. Helen apologized and it was accepted so all three recipes should be in this months letter.
Our meeting sort of fell apart about 7:45 p.m. Enjoy our summer... what is left of it. Guess it will be hot again for September. See you then and DONT FORGET your quilts and fiber arts applications.
Carol and Linda
Peggy, Trish (and Helen's) Recipe
1/2 to 1 lb hamburger, browned
1 pkg, Kawry's Taco Seasoning
1/2 bunch Cilantro (Divided)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp Pailla Molida Chile Powder
Grated Cheese
Black Olives
Romain Lettuce
Tortilla Chips
Cook the meat till no longer pink with half of you cilantro and the garlic powder. Drain WELL set aside. in a bowl put the lettuce, tomatoes, olives then toss with the rest of the ingredients (this means the meat). I put the tortillas in a bowl and served the salad on top and then added the dressing. I did this at home so I wouldn't have to toss the left overs as it makes alot. But if your doing it for a party or large group I say do like Peggy did... add it all together. It is so-o-o-o-o good.
I also added black beans well rinsed and drained and a small can of chopped anaheim chilis MILD.
Notes from Kathy, our internet member
Lots of changes here. I leave for St. Petersburg, Russia in a week or so to teach 2nd Grade at the Anglo-American School there. The teacher is on child care leave for 12 weeks so I'll be there until Christmas. Tom will join me for three weeks in November. I know the principal of the school and he was kind enough to invite me. It'll be a once in a lifetime opportunity for sure. I'm excited. I just found out about this a month ago so we've been busy. I moved all my sewing supplies out of my quilting room and we're renting out the apartment for three months while I'm gone. This will allow Tom to come and go to our cabin, visit his folks in Calif. and go to Russia and still have someone watching over things here. I'll be excited to set my quilting room back up when I return. I'll have itchy fingers for sure. I'll resort to knitting while I'm there.
I enjoyed meeting Dawn when she was here. Today we're off for a family hike up Mt. Robert's. Those three grand kids are little mountain goats. We'll be bringing up the rear for sure.
I hope to have access to a computer over there so you can e-mail me and we can correspond. Love and hugs to the quilting bees.
1 comment:
Wow, we ARE BZZZZZEE Bee's---every one busy doing many different things, yet all of us staying connected and supporting one another. Truely awesome. And now are Bee from Alaska is off to Russia---how exciting. Hopefully we will be able to stay connected via the internet while she is on her adventure. SO a great big THANK YOU to our Linda who keeps us all connected through this post, and to Carol who provides the written prose. We are an amazing group of quilters!! Randi
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